What people are saying
“The most valuable and meaningful part of the experience was hearing what my colleagues had to say about the work they do and how it affects them… it deepened my respect for and understanding of them as human beings, based on the valuable opportunity to talk about topics that are often avoided in the workplace. But it was also very liberating to hear that my own doubts, fears and anxieties were shared and reflected by others, and made me feel that recognising this shared experience made us collectively stronger.“
G. J., Climate researcher - U.K.
"It was not quite like anything I'd experienced before, so I found it very provocative in a kind, patient, accepting way.”
S. B., Psychologist - U.S.A.
“Rajeshree is articulate, thoughtful, gentle. She brought us group of strangers together easily. Her meditation was up there with the best.”
J. F., Psychotherapist - U.K.
“It was surprising to me to find I wasn't just stuck. I have tried the occasional poetry session, but it has never been very productive for me. The structure in this and the stress on the emotions rather than the writing was very freeing, which was surprising as I much prefer to support others in their feelings than explore my own. It was surprising to me just how close to the surface my feelings of fear and sadness are. I hope to try and write a little more and to encourage others to."
I. J., Therapist - U.K.
“I really enjoyed the workshop. I was quite anxious about how I would cope, but Rajeshree's approach led to me feeling relaxed with the various activities. I would happily do another workshop.”
L. M., living with anxiety - London, U.K.
"The sense of connection and being listened to was very valuable. I was also very struck by listening to others - how good it felt to be able to concentrate and really hear what others were saying without the pressure of having to respond. It’s so good to hear other people’s experiences and opinions as it’s so easy to get stuck in your own view."
R. W., Climate Psychology Alliance member - U.K.
"I really appreciated that participation and sharing was optional for all activities, it gave the workshop a really low-pressure feel… Using an existing poem as an entry point into writing at the beginning was really helpful and is probably something I will use in my personal writing going forward.”
J. J. W., Designer & Illustrator – Johannesburg, S.A.
“These are the kinds of interactions I get great value from and find myself mulling over the experience and my reactions for days afterwards. It provides food for thought and also has a tangible outcome that one can reflect on.”
P. B., Community arts counsellor - Johannesburg, S.A.
“It was beautiful in the care it provided and also the ‘magic’ it created through the focus on elements other than the rational parts of our being…For me the workshop gave me a clear insight of the different parts of the same me, and how focusing on the one made the other one bigger. I haven’t really done something with it…although, no I did. I gave myself more space in just being.”
C. V. H - Amsterdam, Netherlands
“It was brilliant. I would attend more of these workshops in the future as it was insightful and beautifully paced.”
S. J. - Integrative arts therapist - U.S.A.